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HomeNewsWigwam welcomed at Hastings Highlands library

Wigwam welcomed at Hastings Highlands library

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This Saturday Algonquin Elders and community members gathered to welcome a wigwam that is being built inside the Hastings Highlands Library in Maynooth. Elder Jimmy Green and community volunteers built the frame for the wigwam that is now inside the library.  

They’ve also brought in bundles of birch bark gathered last spring which will be attached to the shell of the wigwam. Jimmy Green who is heading the project, with the help of birch bark canoe builder Chuck Commanda, says he hopes it will bring community together to do something nature focused and “a little different”

“Now we’re just at the point of starting to sew bark on” Green said, “And we want the community to help. We’ll pick some stuff for the kids” he added, saying he especially wants it to be something that kids can enjoy building and hanging out in

Green who is heading the project, says he hopes building the wigwam will bring community together to do something nature focused and “a little different” . He spoke about how wigwams were the shelters traditionally used by singular indigenous families, as opposed to long houses which would house several families together. 

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The wigwam was welcomed by the drumming and singing of former Algonquin Chief of Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini first nation Katherine Cannon and her daughters. 

Algonquin artist Rocky Green will do an accompanying art piece and a Commanda-built birch bark canoe is also now at the library. 

The project is being facilitated by the library and CEO Wendy Keating happily noted that “right now she has a lot of birch bark in her office” 

To stay up to date with the wigwam activities, check out the Hastings Highlands Library website or Facebook page.

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